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Home ,then obviously the other princes of game player is unfair .Maximum likelihood, or let Zhou Tianzi became known as the emperor, so that the nine states are fair game player .- a point ,the vast majority of game player King class leader would agree .
relationresultThe secondgoal is expedition .Expedition opponent only western Europe ,Central Asia ,American ,and only the army ,Navy Expeditionary expedition of the two way .Army expedition to Western Europe ,large amounts of military supplies must go through its territory ,great prosperity Qin trade and production ,major vassal country wealth will everfount flows to the Qin, the world alliance is very favorable .
- I think this is the world union vigorously promote the alliance motivation .If my guess is good enough, their leader will probably in China is put forward on the conference, the Silk Road as the preferred route of the expedition .
relationresultHowever,if the Navy Expeditionary the words ,for our Yan ,Qi ,Chu Wu ,four very favorable ,and the inland states adverse .We have developed the Navy marine natural advantage ,but they do not .
, relationresultQinwhite paused, the firm said: I think the nine princes game player alliance most controversy and benefit conflict ,will be concentrated in the overland expedition ,or sea expedition this place ! , relationresultVolume second ofthe Bronze Age 282 outdone , relationresultUpdate: 2009-4-301:19:50 chapter number :3431 , relationresultNinevassal in lot five teeth from the Grand Alliance ,China has attracted the area tens of millions of game player .
It is the most common ,the politics of the country overall situation the slightest interest in game player ,also know that this meeting is of great significance .Most of the game player forces organization ,all look forward to this alliance ,to obtain some results ,paved the way for later imperial expedition .
relationresultAt the end of September.relationresultThe League for thefirst days ,in the World League ,week Shuiming etc. under the initiative, all the members decided to implement a parliamentary Parliament - Zhou dynasty .
relationresultParliamentis divided into three levels :relationresultRegionalsenators :do not limit the number ,strength to reach the game player organization ,qualified automatically become members of district level .
Strength must be primary ,son ,male class above .relationresultVassalclass members: principle of 111 members .Strength must be fair ,Hou level or above .relationresultChina is apermanent member of Parliament :nine ,King strength .
relationresultInall ,the king of alliance ,Hou ,Peter ,son ,male members ,with the representative identity ,in five teeth from third floors to regional (provincial ) consultations .
All the members automatically become members ,regional level ,with their respective areas of internal affairs ,decision-making power .relationresultAfter two days ofregional internal consultations ,they put forward more than 100 vassal delegate to five teeth ,a fourth layer internal meeting of governors .
All members automatically become members of nobility ,level ,with the respective vassal the Ministry of home affairs ,decision-making power .relationresultAnother day,vassal class meeting, each vassal state to elect a representative ,a total of nine representatives ,automatically become members of the whole country is ,with all the affairs of the Zhou Dynasty ,decision-making power .
relationresultSpend three days.A set of Chinese game player power distribution system ,initially established .Nationwide slightly has the strength of the game player organization ,basically be included into the parliament .
This Parliament ,is a very large platform .To coordinate the entire Chinese game player forces organization .relationresultThe consultation processis very complicated ,and many of the Shangdi controversy is very harsh, with both sides in the conflict and even take a table knife sword ,but ultimately did not make a big .
These small contradictions ,in the other game player forces under the mediation ,Facebook,was one one ,not out of any major problems .relationresultIn October 1st,officially the convening of meetings .
relationresultIn five teeth witha top elite soldier ,NPC Ge Trident guard .Around the field are some exquisite porcelain, right in the middle of a round table ,nine luxury seat .The middle of the table .
Sits a miniature flag - red banner .There are nine different small color flag ,representing the Qin ,Zhao ,Yan ,Qi ,Lu ,Wei ,Chu ,Wu Shu ,the nine princes .relationresultThe wholecountry is simple ,natural meeting room atmosphere .
relationresultEachvassal state of one representative each ,followed by admission .relationresultThe WorldLeague of Qin lotus .The first admission .She saw at a glance that the middle red banner ,heart slightly surprised .
Zhou Dynasty advocating fire ,color is red ,with red black as a national symbol .And other princely flag colors ,are arranged according to history .The layout of this week was determined the water alliance .
relationresultAlthough,the vassal game player in clockwise order on behalf of admission ,seating .relationresultQin Xiaobai asthe host ,the nature is to chair this country is meeting .Because of the number of days since ,as to have known ,he wasted no time to introduce .
But directly into the theme .relationresultHeswept all of the other eight people .A total of nine people ,in addition to the World League of Qinglian is woman ,the rest are male .He didn look to sweep through the sword ,soul ,dragon king .
The nine people ,including himself ,having four is the member of china .Of course ,China as a mysterious organization ,members of the almost not outsiders know, five do not know at this point .
relationresultLast,google.He read all expression .Talking : your colleagues ,today we sit together .To the Zhou Dynasty ,the interests of all Chinese game player .We not only represents a respective alliance interest ,also represents a state of the game player interest .
We make any decision ,must live up to our responsibilities .relationresultTodaymeeting with two subjects ,cnn,all is the world by the League was proposed .A proposal is monarchy ,another expedition proposal .
We first discuss the first issue .Everybody each airs his own views. ,then vote by a show of hands ,the minority is subordinate to the majority . , relationresultThen Qin Xiaobai,stopped, looked at all .
relationresultThe presence ofthe remaining eight and was in no hurry to immediately open ,but looked at the other side ,while thinking of his own thoughts and the thoughts of others .After all, as consisting of nine individual country is meeting ,no one can decide alone .
Infer what others are thinking, is a very important thing .relationresultButthe most important thing ,is to convince others to stand ,let oneself become majority .If unable to persuade others to stand ,only then in turn ,they join the rest of the majority .
relationresultEventuallythe World League was first to speak, she smiled at all eyes ,and quietly said : the history of Qin Ying Zheng end the Warring States separatist rule ,emperor ,Qin Shihuang .
In principle, he is the most qualified candidate for the emperor .However ,it the late Warring States period ,the princes of the country in Qin ,Qin Emperor Qin game player advantageous to me ,but to other princes to injustice ,so I gave up this position ,as the Lord King Zhou Weilie Jiwu proclaimed himself Emperor ,execute feudal Wang Zhaodi system .
You think how? , relationresultThisis certainly a good place .Any one of the NPC vassal ,to emperor ,are unavoidable and other princely blood bank a ,only NPC Zhou emperor is an exception .
He is the son, vassal King crown princes ,prestige in the world ,now combined with the yellow robe also won dissatisfaction .But Zhou emperor, to ensure that the vassal game player fairness ,not partial to a country .
relationresultAs for thegame player himself Emperor ,want to do not have to think about it .Without the game player forces will make other game player powerful princes to emperor ,it will only lead to great disorder under heaven . Related articles:

