
cheap beats by dr dre breeze and fell to

Book one blood-red color Anne the west chapter 38 demon flower fades
Nie many city head on, the light of fire hunts and shine on like daytime, Su necessarily loses to take a to help a nobility station on the city wall and uneasily hope city under of Tang Jun, Tang Jun didn't offend city, but at an in the outside stopped down, this weird action let their surprise not already,cheap beats by dr dre, who also not know what Tang Jun wants to do?
One rides a soldier to dash away but goes to at this time and believe one an arrows shot into a city head, he loudly way:"We are going to strike against big Bo Lyu, borrow° from your country a way especially."
City sergeant soldier ten arrive arrows letter, hurriedly handed over to Su it to necessarily lose, Su necessarily lost to reading the letter and apprehensived not certain in the heart, Tang Jun incredibly struck against big Bo Lyu, and this idea that pours to completely come from him anticipates.
Flank one valuable clan soft-voiced way:"King's his highness, Tang Jun is afraid to cause undesired agitation, so want to beat big Bo Lyu first, but they return overdo, will definitely deal with us, never fall into trap."
Su necessarily loses to contemplate a short moment, if really fire away big Bo Lyu to come to take the offensive himself/herself again behind, he poured to trust, at that time vomit Fan reinforcement have been already arrived.
"You say to lend a way to strike against big Bo Lyu, can what sincerity to prove?"Su necessarily loses to loudly ask a way.
"We the commander in chief wish dedicate Juan thousand, the elegant china is 20 boxes, best tea-leaf is 200 loads, Be lend the property of way, ask king and each nobility to accept kindly."
Tang Jun rides soldier's afar, sees numerous Tang's soldiers pick cage to lift a load, nearly the 100 people big box lifts city gate in the side, they opened more than ten boxes, the inside is indeed as expected all silk china, flank of the nobilities Be a burst of surprised to shout, eyes all saw keep.
"Is all right!I agree that you lend a way, you go!"
The permission that got little king Su of Bo Lyu to necessarily lose, Tang Jun rides a soldier to adjust a head toward the south, a burst of strong breeze the ground speed but go to, outside the city leaves a 100 people big box.
Having been hoping Tang Jun to walk is far, several valuable clans rush to go towards hoping one eye, almost and without previous arrangement toward the city bottom, "open city gate quickly!"They shout their own under charges and open city Duo treasure, Tang Jun's commander in chief has been already said, these baby but have them 1.
"You wait for a second!"Su necessarily loses to loudly stop, can he where can stop live have been red the nobilities of eye, he more shouts, the nobilities more rush quickly.
The city gate bombed Long Long to open, several hundred well-known scholar soldier a flow out but, rush to go to the big box, at their in a flash near the big box, behind of the near 100 people is big box of of box the cover suddenly opened, in be not what silk china, but the Mo knife that a wears to weigh A hand.
Li Si Ye shouts at top of voice and flicks knife but up, the moment body is horizontal to fly, the blood only spouts to splash, once he wave hand, "kill!"
100 Mo knife hand dance knife but up, they kill person's head is billowing, don't extremely bellow a voice, at this time, a rocket shoots into the sky, the afar spread the clop of bombing the Long Long, and Tang Jun rode a soldier and killed back.
Su necessarily loses a quilt surprised get gape, he sees Tang Jun have already killed to go into the city a door, suddenly shouts loudly 1 and turns round and then escapes to the palace.
Palace inside, snow lotus has already been peeled off clothes, the arms and legs mourns on the cordage, Jia princess Lan carries one cup crisp oil tea, sit appreciate on the chair in the ivory will soon take place of grand occasion, three year agos, another women's right here , on the same rope set, slowly becomes own in the wail one noodles drum skin, now then sky, she of daughter, will also become oneself to hope the already a long time new drum.
Peeped out her to smile an idea most charmingly on Jia the lucid and attractive and incomparable face of princess Lan, had already started to be some arousing to move in her eyes.
She lightly on waving hand, Zhu Chun lightly vomits:"Start!"
Is two is red up the body of vomit Fan big fellow to pull out knife, step by step head for that radiant and pure nude body of rope set, in the middle of being ashamed and resentful with despair, girl already the Hai faint, head softly the Da pull and vomited Fan big fellow to just want to begin, Jia princess Lan but on putting a hand, say with smile:"I don't want to see a shape that kills a person and sprinkle her to come to with water."
'Hua!'Ground a pail of water, from the girl head up sprinkle bottom, the girl slowly waked up, she keeps hanging up the ground stare at Jia princess Lan, the sorrow had no, in eye leaves endless old grudge.
"Dig two of her eyes first."
The Jia words sound of princess Lan just fell and outside and suddenly spread a burst of and violent step voice, Su necessarily lost under escorting of several bodyguardses to dash away to come in, and snow lotus saw a father and cried to shout a way:"The king of the father saves me!"
Su necessarily lost already and attended to he or she not and up a daughter, he pulled Jia princess Lan then run, "my princess!Escape quickly!Tang Jun has already killed to go into the city."
Princess Lan of Jia is surprised to scare to death, cup in hand'be Lang!'Fall to the ground, fall off smash, she is necessarily lost to pull to rush by Su, can the in the mind remain have a little unwilling, but she had no opportunity, a few jail bodyguards have already saved snow lotus bottom, bind her body with the clothes, run toward another direction behind her back.
Jia princess Lan not from secretly on grinding teeth, "small shameless woman, one day there will, I still need to shell your skin!"
The palace tightly depends east city gate, there is a dark way keeping in addition to a city, Su necessarily loses to take princess and several bodyguards break out of from the dark way, to east the mountain range of the noodles run.
At east noodles about 15 inside the place would be the old woman Yi water grand canyon, the canyon breadth is about 100 Zhangs, postpone Mian a long distance, the valley descends deep more than 200 Zhangses, the water current is flowing rapidly, at a time when in summer, water fog fills the air in the canyon in, water voice earthquake sky, number inside the outside can smell, there is a rattan bridge on the canyon, is make into for a year while vomiting a Fan soldier to exactly consume, it uniquely connective canyon cross-straits, in the opposite shore of 30 several in outside would be to vomit a Fan big camp, station 20,000 to vomit Fan heavy soldier.
Su necessarily quarrels Jia princess Lan rush to escape all the way, a hour after, the sky is gradually bright, they finally close to rattan bridge, and could not leaves two insides and has already heard water voice in the canyon.
Su necessarily loses tired get out of breath, he stopped a step and shouted that the ground breathes heavily a thick spirit way:"Princess, a little bit, a little bit stop for rest for a while!I didn't go and had already really canned not walked anymore."
Jia princess Lan sits on a piece of big stone and also breathes heavily a spirit way:"Leaves two inside, led bridge we safety, again persistence in a short while!"
At this time, one vomits Fan bodyguard frightenedly point out that the distance yells, "see quickly, is Tang Jun!"
Sees an outside in the number, several hundred people's Tang Jun to this place speed since then, they also discovered king's 1 line and sped speed in succession, Jia princess Lan frightens be scared out of wits, she also ignores a king and try very hard to run toward the rattan bridge to, two of her confident bodyguards one left one protects her.
The bodyguards whom Su necessarily loses all respectively fled for life and threw down his one person, he loudly cursed and scolded, the hand and foot counteracts ground to climb toward the summit of hill to, suddenly, an arrows roars and shouts but goes to, exact center his thigh, Su necessarily loses one to shout loudly, the bone Lu Lu rolls descend hillside, immediately two Tang Jun come forward and arrived his throat with the long Shuo.
This troops would are Li Qing An to receive order to cut down rattan bridge, they road difficulties, late arrived a hour, met Su to necessarily lose to wait a person just, at the moment, Li Qing An also saw a young woman who wears a gold hat, under the shining upon of morning glow, her body Zi seems to be a particularly beautiful elegance, Li Qing An realizes, this was by all means that beautiful looks to matchlessly vomit princess fan , he one drink low, "catch up her!"
Several Tang Jun threaten and make track for to go to princess Lan of Jia, more and more near, two of her bodyguards see a circumstance urgent, shout at top of voice and make a pounce upon to make track for to Tang Jun.
Jia princess Lan ran up rattan bridge, run about wildly to the opposite shore and go to, at this time, the opposite shore also appears a big brigade to vomit a Fan soldier, they receive hasty report, toward the Nie many cities aid Chi since then.
"Is quick to come to save me!"
Jia princess Lan loudly cries for help, more than tens vomit Fan the soldier saw a princess and disregarded ground to rush, they mutually were apart from more and more near, Jia princess Lan has already run to the rattan bridge the center, leave recent one to vomit a Fan soldier not to arrive one Zhang, she stretches out a hand to the soldier.
At this time, a wolf tooth arrows the lightning flash sort shoot and engrave on the arrows pole'Ling Shan Xie's arrows'four words, arrows dint sturdy fast disease, an arrows shot to wear the empress heart of princess Lan of Jia, the arrows is sharp snow-white plump from her of ex- chest deeply, the blood of the deep red color dyes red her silk dress, she an Ai blare and slowly turn head, sees in Chiaotou of a piece of big stone up, a big military officer Tang keeps bow but signs, his the Kui Ying hunt to float in the sky in the breeze in the mountain brook.
Jia princess Lan feebly grasps to leave she no longer arrives 3 Chinese feet of vomit Fan soldier, but body's imitating a Buddha is blewed away by a burst of breeze and fell to go into ten thousand Zhang cloughs......
"Cut down rattan bridge!"
Reached an order under Li Qing An, many soldier the disorderly knife is together next, the rattan bridge bombs however splits, will vomit Fan person end the front line hope and strangle at postpone the canyon of the Mian a long distance in.
Only a white silk ribbon in the sky dances in the wind, once in a very long while Be not willing to leave.
Book is Mt. Heaven two
Bright moon Mt. Heaven, diffused sea of clouds
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