
www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com tment west to enter

Summer nine states of call, Wo country this extremely conceited small nation unexpectedly dare take'nine states' to oneself's an islet assigns name to.The foot shows its wolf sub- greed, night wolf man's natural character.The imperial government orders its changing name is actually a greatly quick popular support, it raises.According to minister see still current of'Qin Jin'suit that island more, canned ast least also was in remembrance of for a while Xu Fu to land Japan in those early years."The at the mention of Wo country summer finishes the tone of Chun in was full of despise.Be loose river's person's Japanese invaders is him from the small familiar to ear big disaster, consequently to that insularity summer over Chun usually nothing important good will.
See over Chun of summer one face Ao however of shape Sun Lou can not help filling with regrets for an instant.This kind of to this race civilization of infinite and proud of, with to the Ao of minority race however look down, this is exactly the thing that she wants at the moment.Hence Sun Lou suddenly topic a change direction a positive color way of over Chun of summer:"Does the Qing house know why I just wanted you to leave?"
Give impress suddenly and so on asking, summer over the Chun quickly chased own thoughts and feelings pullout reality.Frankly speaking, he didn't want to understand this problem now.As one inside military officer, regardless in view of whichever angle that he has never entitled to take part in so an important meeting.Is much less and then connected his immediate superior Zhang Jia Yu's commander-in-chiefs don't attend lunch.Is some can not find the proper approach of he has to take something with a grain of salt of say:"His majesty you are to think for minister in the days to come with Luo Cha person battling."
"The Qing house says right."Sun Lou Wei Han head way:"However is still not only this.Qing house how see connect down and Luo the Cha person's battle?"
"Return to his majesty, if circumstance if true such as what He Ba Lu Deng person of Su describes so.The our army can adopt to lead a snake hole and round a city dozen the method for aiding and with one action pull out Luo the Cha person's base in Baikal Lake under the match of mongols."Summer over Chun self-confidence of say.
"I ain't to ask you the business for striking against Baikal Lake, but mean to finish striking against Baikal Lake the matter after."Sun Lou Wei says with a smile.
"The matter after?"The summer over Chun stared blankly first for a while, immediately again remembered the conversation of impress and He Ba Lu Jian of Su just, can not help suddenly realize a way:"Might it not be the his majesty is to want to let a minister rate does the department help the uncle of Du Er department west to enter especially?"
"Accurately say is with the uncle of Du Er especially the department cooperate west to advertise for."Sun Lou follows to rectify a way.
" Depend this regiment?"The summer over Chun wrinkled up an eyebrows way.Thought at first as long as attacked and occupied Baikal Lake can he has never thought unexpectedly such Jian of his own task huge.Compare Be getting harder up for cash under obviously some more than 1,000 persons troops.
" A regiment."Sun Lou firmly says.
"But his majesty, the battle scope specified by you is unlike Central plains small how much."The summer over Chun sinks a voice to warn a way.
"Is quite good, really very wide Mao in Siberia, the weather is also unusually bad.However is positive also very frail such as the soil there that He Ba Lu of Su talks Zhao.Come you first lo lo this."Sun Lou says from the sleeves in took out a clerk to pass an over Chun way with summer.
The summer over Chun half believe and half doubtly picks up that clerk and launches a to see, detection top descriptive is the Cha captive's statement of some Luos.As these people talks, they invite 12 local autochthonous Ba Shi the kir person's leaders to accept a hospitality in some beards in region of north:Provide 23 fatty sheep to them, slaughter with their own way, whole cure, take out a few strong drinks again.This kind of hospitality mostly wants to maintain for 1, 2 weeks.Period Luo Cha the person almost must ask a kir person of Ba Shi every day:"Feed, good friend, now is to discuss me the time of that matter son?"Until one day, the big leader openly faces host to say:"We appreciate you, very thankful!Now, what is what you want ?"At this time Luo Cha the person will promise him to completely don't need any thing toward the kir person of Ba Shi;However, hears that he expects a Shi kir the person is very benevolent, so come to think to build up comity with them, such etc..Then, the topic will turn to the following aspect:Expecting the Shi kir person's territory factory Mao is limitless;The circumstance of tenant can not give satisfaction now, they will pay for 1, 2 years, the rent charge then no longer pays behind, however continues living on this land, good elephant they are the legal owners of land,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.Immediately after, the buyer politely puts forward, he takes pleasure in a kir person of Ba Shi who help the kindness subtracting the land that a part has become their burdens.Result, the whole slice of business of region is clinched a deal with very cheap price.To the amount of land, usually the boundary is from"from the so-and-so brook until the dead 椈 on the wolf way tree, from died 椈 tree until watershed, from watershed to fox cave, from fox cave to the Suo Er tower Mu pulled the hollow tree of card especially, " etc. method mark settle.Hence Luo Cha person in clear and ordered patternly the turn has tens of thousands lands.
The summer over Chun doesn't know Russia acre actually have much big, but tens of thousands of record to say have already made him able to imagine that is how a kind of to extend speed.But see him at that moment pour to absorb an one mouthful an air conditioner to return the clerk to an impress way:"His majesty, do we also want to do so?"
"I want to let your understanding I will face in the days to come for a while of how some people.As for how should do, how should not do, I believe Qing house will from have proper restraint."Dew is said with the tone of trust.
"Say so, the west advertises for of popular support this imperial government still occupy advantage.Only that Su the He Ba Lu Kan's appearance is a person who has greed."The summer over Chun slightly takes to worriedly say:"Let with it the uncle of Du Er especially the department west advertise for to still rather let section Er the Qin go to more suitable."
"The Qing house says right.The section Er Qin department's really wanting to compare the uncle of Du Er a department is especially getting more dependable, also is more easily controled by imperial government.However the empire very leads Wu Ke Shan's loyalty in the management of Siberia the greed of the demand He Ba Lu of Su."Sun Lou has a saying of deep idea.
" His majesty does the true decision want to make the He Ba Lu of Su finish the west of the river in the E to found a nation?"The summer over Chun doesn't understand that the ground asks a way.
"I and the cabinet is to decide so."The tone of dew abnormality of firmness.
"Can the empire clearly can once beat E to finish river and even strike against Luo Cha country also not in context of present discussion.Carrying out over there by dynasty in the sky is greatly together basically all right.As for have the uncle of Du Er joining of department especially basically doesn't matter."The summer over Chun doesn't think idea way.Luo in his eyes Cha the person since can arrive at by several thousand troops and horseses Mongolia steppe.He summer over Chun the nature can also beat Luo all the way Cha country to go.
See summer's over Chun to speak world by offensive tone greatly and together.Sun Lou could not help pondering for a while and suddenly counter-questioned his[one] way:"The Qing house thinks to is that Gao Li Ren is strong, still The Huns person and Turkic is the person strong?"
The summer over Chun doesn't know why the impress wants to suddenly transfer a topic.But still honestly answer way:"Returning to his majesty is certainly a The Huns person and Turkic person is strong."
"Does that now still have The Huns empire or Turkic empire?"Sun Lou follows and asks a way.
"Have no."
"Can now but there is Korea."Sun Lou means deeply the long ground says:"Although Korean very frail and Korean national territory very poor and unproductive.Always depend on in the big country to in back be political satellite.But can not deny, Korea remains to be appeared with a facial expression of nation.The common people of Korea also think that they belong to the same nation.This is received benefit to they were subjected to Central plains civilized of smoked pottery, let the Korean have'country'of consciousness.In addition Vietnam, Siam, Burma etc. country is also all such.They probably can by force and temporarily conquer, culture probably will approve Central plains, but hard the race being like previous steppe so and completely dissolve to go into me China.But then have no this consciousness on violent horde of steppe.Pass violent leader, they can build up glorious steppe empire.But want ~only leader one dead, empire immediately collapse.Surplus pretty the clan is very quick meeting drive surroundings of the civilization completely assimilate.This is the differentiation of of civilization and barbarism."
"Does the that Luo Cha country have consciousness of country?"The summer over Chun wanted to ask a way for a while.
"Have.The Luo Cha country has already had consciousness of country under the influence of European civilization.They have their their own code of lawses and have complete bureaucrat system.So for letting empire can in the shortest time in assimilate the aborigines of Siberia, there have to be a buffer between Europe and empire taking.But the uncle of Du Er especially wait Wei to pull especially Mongolia the sweat country would be this natural natural cover." Related articles:

